Effort to improve students active involvement in te English teacing learning process in class five at MI al-Mukhlashin Gresik 2008/2009

This item is published by Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Zuliana, Arum (2009) Effort to improve students active involvement in te English teacing learning process in class five at MI al-Mukhlashin Gresik 2008/2009. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

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Students' involvement is a very influential factor in the achievement of the learning output. There will not be any learning if the students are not involved. The higher the students' level of involvement, the better learning output achievement there will be. Students' involvement is needed in all teaching-learning process including the English teaching-learning process. Then, to get a better learning output, the students' involvement always needs to be improved. This research is focus on efforts to improve the students' active involvement in the English teaching-learning process in Class five, MI Al-Mulchlashin Gresik, in the academic year of 2008/2009. It followed the principles of action research. In this research, the researcher with other research team members such as the headmaster, the guidance and counseling teacher, classroom teachers, and English teachers(my self), do some collaborative work in identifying the field problems, determining some actions to overcome field problems, implementing the actions, and observing and reflecting on the result of the actions. There are three problems feasible to solve the problems are that (1) students considered English a difficult, confusing, uninteresting, boring, and disgusting subject, (2) students do not bring the course book of English and do not do their homework, and (3) students often make noise, talk to each other, and make up something for fun during the ETLP. So the teacher and researchers try to find formulation the problem. Those statements of the problems are about suitable method, Effort of the teacher and the processes to improve student's active involvement in the English teaching learning process in class five at MI Al-Mukhlashin, Gresik 2008/2009.Those problems were tried to be solved by three actions. The actions were (1) implementing the use of media and role play in the ETLP, (2a) asking the students to always bring the course book, (2b) applying rules and consequences for homework, and (3) implementing games as warmer. Those actions are implemented simultaneously. The use of media and role play, the students were more involved in the teaching-learning process, more focused on the learning material, and more interested in the subject matter, implies that in the teaching-learning process, teachers need to increase their use of media as things that can attract the students to their learning so that they can keep being involved in the process. Consequences and teachers' firm attitude concerning homework made the students more disciplined implies that teachers need to give more attention to the students, be firm, and apply rules and consequences which were clearly applied to the students so that they can be more disciplined. Games as warmer in the teaching-learning process made the students more motivated and involved in the learning implies that a joyful situation of learning makes the students enjoy and become more involved in their learning so that teachers need to create a joyful teaching-learning process for the students.


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Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Subjects: Bahasa Inggris
Pendidikan > Pembelajaran
Keywords: Students’ active; English teaching; learning process
Divisions: Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Editor : samid library.uinsby.ac.id
Date Deposited: 12 Jan 2018 07:53
Last Modified: 12 Jan 2018 07:54
URI: http://digilib.uinsa.ac.id/id/eprint/21929

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