Language functions used by the main characters in the “Little Women” movie (2019)

This item is published by Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Aprilia, Dita Sukma (2021) Language functions used by the main characters in the “Little Women” movie (2019). Undergraduate thesis, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

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This study analyzes language functions used by the main characters in the "Little Women" movie (2019). There are two problems investigated in this study. First, what kinds of language functions are used by the main characters in the "Little Women" movie? Second, what is the context behind the language functions used by the main characters in the "Little Women" movie? In this study, the data is taken from the whole utterances of the four main characters in the movie.The researcher used a qualitative method to analyze the data of this study. The descriptive method was applied to analyze the utterances of the main characters such as Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy through the transcriptions of the "Little Women" movie (2019). The data were collected by first downloading the transcript of the movie, which was then identified by underlying the utterances of the main characters, based on the types of language functions. Then, the researcher analyzes the context behind the language functions used by the main characters in the "Little Women" movie (2019). The result in this study shows that there are seven types of language functions found in the movie. The researcher finds 753 utterances produced by the main characters. The expressive function becomes the most dominant type of language function found in this research with 300 data. Referential function found with 212 data. Moreover, directive functions were found with 97 data. Heuristic function found with 109 data. Then, the phatic function was found with 22 data. Furthermore, the commissive function was found with 12 data. Moreover, the poetic function found only 1 data in this research. Meanwhile, the metalinguistics function is not found in this research. The explanation above shows that the main characters mainly express their feelings, minds, thoughts, needs, and opinions in their utterances. This research also shows that some factors influenced the use of the language functions by the main characters. They are the settings, the participants, the end or the propose, the action sequence, the key, the instrument, the norm, and the genre. It can be said that the main characters used language functions depends on whom, where, and what when they occur communicate.


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Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Aprilia, Dita Sukmaditaskmaprilia@gmail.comA73217105
Thesis advisorMilal, A. Dzo' /
Subjects: Linguistik
Keywords: language functions; Movie; Discourse analysisfungsi; Bahasa; Film; Analisis wacana.
Divisions: Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora > Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: Dita Sukma Aprilia
Date Deposited: 24 Aug 2021 22:41
Last Modified: 24 Aug 2021 22:41

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