Tafsir surah al-fatihah dalam manuskrip nusantara: kajian filologi atas tafsir al-qur'an al-karim berbahasa indonesia karya K.H.Suhaimi Rofiuddin (1919-1982M)

This item is published by Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Asadulloh, Muhamad (2021) Tafsir surah al-fatihah dalam manuskrip nusantara: kajian filologi atas tafsir al-qur'an al-karim berbahasa indonesia karya K.H.Suhaimi Rofiuddin (1919-1982M). Masters thesis, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

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Philology as a scientific dicipline, in practice it will be very functional to the various findings of the existing manuscripts, it is a second step to take the search efforts, and before the manuscript reads from the point of view of the scholars. This thesis reveals how to the history of the text in interpratation of surah Al Fatihah by K.H. Suhaimin Rofifudin (1919-1970) entitled Tafsir Al-Qur’an Al Karim in Indonesian, and how the rationale stated by author in manuscript.From this study and research, it is expected to provide comprehensive explanation of how the philological reconstruction of the text in the interpretation of surah al-Fatihah in the text tafsir al-qur’an Karim In indoesian, which is influenced by many factors that include the author of the manuscript tafsir. By using the philological approach in step of searching for supporting data, also using ‘ulu>m al-Qur’a>n as an analysis of the method used by the sciptwriter to understand Surah Al-Fatihah, in addition to use the discourse of Foucault also serves as auxiliary tool to examine the history of the rules of interpretation used by the author. The results showed that, the disclaimer of Surah al-Fatihah conduted by K.H. Suhaimin Rofifudin gave birth to a grid of specifications that are certain language themes resulting from the influence of the environment and the rules used, which are used as a reflection of phenomena faced by scriptwriters. Thus, this interpretation produces certain discussion as spiritial healing, linguistic phenomena, and social response.


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Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Asadulloh, Muhamadmuhamadasadulloh5@gmail.comF12518225
Thesis advisorHadi, Abd--2018115501
Thesis advisorRiyadi, Abdul Kadir--2013087003
Subjects: Filologi
Al Qur'an
Tafsir > Tafsir Al Qur'an
Keywords: Filologi; K.H. Suhaimi Rofiuddin; naskah tafsir.
Divisions: Program Magister > Ilmu Alquran dan Tafsir
Depositing User: Muhamad Asadulloh
Date Deposited: 06 Nov 2021 23:58
Last Modified: 06 Nov 2021 23:58
URI: http://digilib.uinsa.ac.id/id/eprint/50832

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