Linguistic landscape in Pasuruan: alun-alun Pasuruan and alun-alun Bangil

This item is published by Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Sari, Megawati Ayu Novita (2023) Linguistic landscape in Pasuruan: alun-alun Pasuruan and alun-alun Bangil. Undergraduate thesis, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

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This research aims to know the language used in public spaces in Pasuruan city tourist attractions (Alun- Alun Pasuruan and Alun-Alun Bangil). Both places are chosen because it is a place that is visited by the surrounding community and the out-of-town community.The community in Pasuruan City is a community that applies language in public spaces using two languages. This research wants to know the language displayed in different places through a linguistic landscape in Alun- Alun Pasuruan and Alun- Alun Bangil to understand the differences between top- down and Bottom-up signs in Alun-Alun Pasuruan and Alun- Alun Bangil. To describe what is the function of using sign language in certain places. In this research, the researcher used a quantitative-qualitative approach to count the total data number of the language used in signs of the environments. The researcher explains and shows the differences in language use in the three environments by taking several photo boards that connect with the place of worship (mosque in the area), business place, street names, and signs on the highway.The data results were classified into some parts the language used in the sign, the use of the signs and the function. From the study results, the Indonesian language is most widely used on signboards in Pasuruan City, followed by English and Arabic. The environment widely influences the use of foreign languages in this modern era as an economic factor. English can increase the value of a product. Therefore, English is very dominant in the field of social economy. Arabic is the language that people use to become a distinctive feature of tourist attractions in the school. Affected by environmental factors surrounding the area, there are several Islamic boarding schools and the city known as "Santri" is a characteristic of the city of Pasuruan." Many visitors also come for religious reasons to visit the Ulama tomb in Pasuruan.


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Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Sari, Megawati Ayu Novitanovita48015@gmail.comA03216029
Thesis advisorKurjum, Mohammadmkurjum@gmail.com2002096902
Subjects: Komunikasi
Keywords: Lanskap linguistik; rambu; fungsi tanda; lingkungan
Divisions: Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora > Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: Megawati Ayu Novita Sari
Date Deposited: 28 Feb 2023 01:42
Last Modified: 28 Feb 2023 01:42

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