Ideologi pendidikan Islam di sekolah integral berbasis tauhid Luqman al Hakim Surabaya

This item is published by Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Marfiyanto, Tri (2017) Ideologi pendidikan Islam di sekolah integral berbasis tauhid Luqman al Hakim Surabaya. PhD thesis, UIN Sunan Ampel.

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The development of capitalism and hedonism ideologies, secular educational system, and educational dichotomy are causing the management of Islamic educational system less professional. Such system yields graduates who are proficient in religious knowledge, yet less capable in practicing the knowledge in real life. The graduates are also notoriously so lame and incapable of mastering science and technology. As a consequence, Islamic educations are perceived to be stagnant or even left-behind from their counterparts. For this reason, Islamic ideology is present to provide clear guidance or directions towards the understanding of how the ideology should be implemented in Islamic educational institutions. Such ideology is projectedto be the strong tie that binds all the existing communities and shape thecommunities’ characters that suit to Islamic values, so that the strategies and measures of struggle are clear and in line with theholy Al-Quran and As-Sunnah. Having said that, there are three important issues needed to be revealed in this study.First, about the conceptual ideology of Islamic education. Second, the implementation of the ideology of Islamic education. And the third, the impacts of ideology implementationin Elementary, Junior High, and Senior High schools of Luqman al-HakimSurabaya. This is a qualitativestudy within the approaches of scientific ideologies, educational management, Sociology, and Psychology. The study concludes that the conceptual ideology of Islamic education in Elementary, Junior High, and Senior High schools of Luqman al-Hakim Surabaya is likely resembling the systematic way of the falling down ofrevelations to the earth. The process of the ideology formation is coming through from seven phases: Pra-inception stage (all is done for Allah); Agitation (a situation which triggers someone to do an action); Development of esprit de corp (the growth of pride/organising and controlling feelings); Movement building stage (the phase of movement building and organization); Development of morale (the growth of morale/willingness and power to reach or achieve goals); The formation of an ideology (ideology formation/ achievement phase); and the last one is The development of operating tactics. The ideology implementation of Islamic educational management at Elementary, Junior High, and Senior High schools are conducted by integrating three ways or patterns of education: formal, non-formal, and informal educations. There are two kinds of impacts resulted from this ideology implementation: positive and negative impacts. Of the positive impacts are the realization of insankamil (perfect and fully human beings) who are able to create rahmatan li al-‘alaamiin concept applied in their school, professional educators and educational staffs, who function as uswatunhasanah(good role-model), and a full support system from society. Such support is gained from the society because the ideology is applicable and useful for establishing the enterprises or working organizations to support their educational finance. As for the negative impact of this ideology implementation is the reshuffle or replacement of educators, which influence the structure and other involving elements of organisation in the schools.


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Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Marfiyanto, Tritrimarfiyanto@gmail.comUNSPECIFIED
Subjects: Ideologi Islam
Pendidikan Islam
Keywords: Ideology; Islamic education; integrated school; Tauhid (Monotheism)
Divisions: Program Doktor > Pendidikan Agama Islam
Depositing User: Marfiyanto Tri
Date Deposited: 04 Jan 2018 04:37
Last Modified: 04 Jan 2018 04:37

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