Pendidikan kesehatan mental melalui bacaan al Qur’an: studi kasus di Pesantren Darullughah Wadda’wah Raci Bangil Pasuruan dan Pesantren al Amanah Bilingual Junwangi Krian Sidoarjo

This item is published by Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Malikah, Malikah (2018) Pendidikan kesehatan mental melalui bacaan al Qur’an: studi kasus di Pesantren Darullughah Wadda’wah Raci Bangil Pasuruan dan Pesantren al Amanah Bilingual Junwangi Krian Sidoarjo. PhD thesis, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

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This study focuses on Mental Health Education Through Al-Qur’an Recitation (Case study in Darullughah Wadda’wah Raci Islam Boarding School Bangil Pasuruan and al-Amanah Bilingual Islam Boarding School Junwangi Krian Sidoarjo. Mental health education concept which developed by maximizing learners in talent development, emotional and spiritual excellence. The implementation by train talent development from knowledge singing the al-Qur’an, affective and psychomotor expansion of learners through listening, scrutinize, follow, remind, imitate, and fully comprehend al-Qur’an readings which read by teacher repeatedly. This research done by employing qualitative approach with case study, while in data collection, the researcher use various method that are observation, in-depth interview, and document content analysis. Data analysis procedure consist of four steps. First actual step is reading wholly description from participants, second make selection on description parts, emphasizes on summary. Thirdly, are understanding phenomenology as active transformation after data had collected. Last is special relevance with aims of psychology to transforming specific things mainly in psychological meaning such as conclusion. The success of mental health education through al-Qur’an reading in this case knowledge in talent development namely cognitive domain of learners in imitate al-Qur’an readings by the teachers, did not success. It is caused not all learners have capability in al-Qur’an readings use tone just like what conveyed by the teachers. al-Qur’an readings with tone beside understanding on makhroj and tajwid , learners must be have capital that is good voice and length breath. In developing emotional capabilities, spiritual is good, reflected in student’s capacity to control his/her negative emotion, adaptable with neighborhood where he or she is. The differences in implementation in Darullughah Wadda’wah any one allow to follow and did not assessed in order to give discretionary for students, while in al-Amanah Bilingual followed by talented students minimum have fluency reading al-Quran and assessed to give motivation.


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Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Malikah, Malikahlikamalika06@gmail.comUNSPECIFIED
Subjects: Kesehatan

Psikologi Belajar
Keywords: Mental health education; al Qur’an readings; case study
Divisions: Program Doktor > Ilmu Keislaman
Depositing User: Editor : Abdun Nashir------
Date Deposited: 14 May 2018 03:51
Last Modified: 14 May 2018 03:51

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