The effectiveness of guiding question technique in teaching writing text among students year X of SMK NU Lamongan

This item is published by Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Muhayyinah, Muhayyinah (2012) The effectiveness of guiding question technique in teaching writing text among students year X of SMK NU Lamongan. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.


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English was selected as a compulsory subject and determine as one of the subject tested in the National Examination (UN)) for high school including vocational high school. English writing skill for vocational high school students become more familiar, because they have to master English not only as the prerequisite to finish their study but also as the requirement for seeking for job when they have finished their study. Nevertheless, English writing may be considered as the most difficult and complicated skill among four language skill. The result of students' English writing achievement was still far from minimum criteria for completeness (KKM). The interview with the English teacher and the result of the preliminary study revealed that students faced some different problems in writing but considered generating and organizing ideas the most difficult problems. Thus, the use of guiding questions technique was proposed to be implemented in the teaching English writing text to help students solve the problems. Rob Traver stated that guiding question technique is the fundamental query that directs the search for understanding. The setting of this research was SMK NU Lamongan. As a national school (SSN, Sekolah Standart Nasional). SMK NU Lamongan has many achievements in English speaking skill, but the students of this are lacks in writing skill and have many problem in writing. The students of class X APK 1 and X APK 2 were chosen as the sample of this study. This research use experimental research. The design employee two groups, experiment and control groups. For this research, the instruments used are pretest and posttest. The steps of the research are before experiment group was given treatment of guiding question, the researcher gives them pre-test. After giving treatment, both experiment and control group were given post­ test. The result of this study shows that guiding question technique was effectively improving students' writing skill. The researcher compares the posttest score of experimental and control group to find out the differences score who was taught by guiding question technique and who was taught by traditional technique. In experimental group, the mean score was 81.788 while the control class was 70.594. Finally, some recommendation for the English teacher and future researchers are made. The English teachers are suggested to use guiding question technique as a way to asses teaching and learning process. And for the future researchers, they are expected to conduct the research on other skills.


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Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Muhayyinah, MuhayyinahUNSPECIFIEDD35208019
Subjects: Bahasa Inggris
Partai Politik
Keywords: Teknik pertanyaan; efektivitas; teknik tradisional
Divisions: Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Editor: Library Administrator----- Information-----
Date Deposited: 17 Dec 2012
Last Modified: 09 Oct 2024 03:49

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