Manajemen stakeholder pada lembaga dakwah: studi kasus pada organisasi dakwah IDIAL-MUI Jawa Timur terhadap stakeholder Persatuan Masjid-Musholla Putat Jaya dalam program bina mental-keagamaan di eks-lokalisasi Dolly

This item is published by Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Mahdaniar, Fenny (2017) Manajemen stakeholder pada lembaga dakwah: studi kasus pada organisasi dakwah IDIAL-MUI Jawa Timur terhadap stakeholder Persatuan Masjid-Musholla Putat Jaya dalam program bina mental-keagamaan di eks-lokalisasi Dolly. Masters thesis, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

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Ikatan Da’i Area Lokalisasi-MUI East Java (called IDIAL-MUI Jatim) as one of the da'wah organization that is mandated to operationalize the target of East Java provincial government and MUI East Java, to realize clean areas of immoral, by closing localization-prostitutions throughout East Java province. One of the goals of IDIAL-MUI East Java is Dolly’s localization-prostitution, as one of the famous localization-prostitution in Southeast Asia. With stakeholder’s management by IDIAL-MUI East Java to the various elements, Dolly’s localization-prostitution can be ended peacefully, without causing bloody conflict. Stakeholder’s management undertaken, not only to realize the program of closing localization-prostitution, but also in order to realize post-dakwah programs of localization-prostitution. The program that was focussed after the closing of Dolly's localization-prostitution was a program of self-reliance and moral-religious coaching. Specific in the program of moral-religious development, IDIAL-MUI Jatim took PERMATA as stakeholders who are directly involved in da'wah in Dolly. This research is about to describe the process of stakeholder management conducted by IDIAL-MUI of Java to Persatuan Masjid-Musholla Putat Jaya (called PERMATA) in the program of moral-religious development after closing of Dolly localization. The theory that used in this research is management theory of stakeholders by Freeman and Ann Bucholz. The stakeholder’s management theory outlines three managerial stages there are stakeholder strategy formulation, stakeholder strategy implementation and stakeholder control. The method that used in this research is descriptive-qualitative. With structured interview and participant observation technique, we exploring about managerial process of IDIAL-MUI East Java in formulating, implementing and controlling its stakeholders in achieving post-closing program objectives of localization-prostitution. The unit-analytical focuses on stakeholder’s management by IDIAL-MUI of East Java to PERMATA as their stakeholder who involved in various moral-religious development programs after closing Dolly localization-prostitution. With analysis techniques Bogdan and Biklen’s model, we compare the theory of stakeholder management (as tesa) with the reality of stakeholder’s management by IDIAL-MUI East Java (as antitesa), then we found a new synthesis of stakeholder’s management in da'wah institution. This research concludes that IDIAL-MUI Jatim performs all steps of stakeholder’s management process start from formulation, implementation and controlling to PERMATA’s stakeholder.


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Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Mahdaniar, Fennyfen_ny879@yahoo.comUNSPECIFIED
Subjects: Manajemen Dakwah
Keywords: Stakeholder; stakeholder management; IDIAL-MUI East Java; PERMATA; Dolly
Divisions: Program Magister > Dirasah Islamiyah
Depositing User: Mahdaniar Fenny
Date Deposited: 15 Aug 2017 03:00
Last Modified: 15 Aug 2017 03:00

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