Strategi pemenangan Pemilu legislatif Partai Kebangkitan Nasional Ulama di Pulau Kangean Kabupaten Sumenep

This item is published by Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Ikbal, Mohammad (2011) Strategi pemenangan Pemilu legislatif Partai Kebangkitan Nasional Ulama di Pulau Kangean Kabupaten Sumenep. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

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Thesis titled the 2009 legislative election winning strategy of national revival party cleric in Sumenep Kangean island is about the political strategy PKNU candidates in the 2009 election on the island Kangean Sumenep, political strategies that are used to create the desired power of politicians to get and take power in parliament. This political strategy used during the campaign to gain votes from the public. Formulation of the problem under study is the first, how the relationship with NU PKNU Kangean island. Second, how the political strategies of candidates PKNU (a win) in the 2009 legislative elections on the island of Madura Kangean Sumenep. Theoretical framework used is the relationship of Islam with political or religious ties with the country, so it is then that becomes the basis or reason for Muslims to enter in politics and political institutions and political parties formed to accommodate the aspirations of the community and to gain power. The research method used is a qualitative approach to the type of field research (Field Research). Setting the research is Kangean island, Sumenep, data sources used were primary and secondary data sources, primary data is the result of interviews with informants, while the secondary data from books or browsing. The findings of this study was, first, the political strategy of victorious candidates in applying the strategy of the formulation mission in accordance with community needs, imaging through the implementation of strategies and approaches made to the community leaders of parliamentary candidates.


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Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Subjects: Filsafat
Partai Politik
Keywords: Strategi pemenangan; PKNU; Pulau Kangean
Divisions: Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat > Politik Islam
Depositing User: Editor : Arifah Wikansari------
Date Deposited: 12 Dec 2017 02:38
Last Modified: 12 Dec 2017 02:38

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