Learning English using dictogloss to improve speaking skill of students in the eighth year at SMP Darul Muta’allimin Taman Sidoarjo

This item is published by Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Kurniawati, Elly (2012) Learning English using dictogloss to improve speaking skill of students in the eighth year at SMP Darul Muta’allimin Taman Sidoarjo. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

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This research finds out whether the dictogloss can be an alternative to improve students’ speaking skill in the eight year which can be seen from three aspects, they are pronunciation, fluency, and vocabulary. This research collects information from the students of eight year at SMP Darul Muta’allimin Taman, Sidoarjo by testing or assessing in every cycle and filling the questionnaire is made by the researcher. From the finding of this research, there are several information that have to know, they are: 1. The dictogloss can be an alternative to improve English speaking skill of the students in the eight year at SMP Darul Muta’allimin Taman, Sidoarjo which can be seen from their assessment in speaking; they can reach the target of score. 2. The students are interest to receive the lesson and explore their ability in speaking by using dictogloss technique (it can be seen from the result of questionnaire). 3. There are many strengths and weakness to do this research, so the teacher must be active and creative to cover the weakness with the strengths it.


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Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Subjects: Bahasa Inggris
Keywords: Dictogloss; improvement; speaking skill; alternative
Divisions: Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Editor : samid library.uinsby.ac.id
Date Deposited: 28 Feb 2018 02:26
Last Modified: 28 Feb 2018 02:26
URI: http://digilib.uinsa.ac.id/id/eprint/23693

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