Kecerdasan emosi pada Shadow (Pendamping) anak Autisme

This item is published by Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Rosita, Ais (2019) Kecerdasan emosi pada Shadow (Pendamping) anak Autisme. Undergraduate thesis, Uin Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

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Emotional Intelligence is the ability of individuals in difficulties, overcoming feelings of the themselveses and other, being able to control their own feelings and good social skills and self motivation for the better. The purpose of this research is to determine shadow’s emotional quotient that particulary with anak autisme children. Whin the research, author would like to use qualitative data triangulation method that include shadow of an anak autisme child in Muhammadiyah 16 Special School in Surabaya. There are participants with each significant others will be include in this research and not only that but author also will focus on similarities and differences of each participant’s emotional quotient that includes self awareness, self regulations, motivation, empathy, and good social skills. Each can be shown when they were able to accompany and control their emotions when it comes to deal with anak autisme children. Each of the three participants were highly motivated for different reasons as they also developed good empathy and intense interaction and good social skills. The three participants have good self awareness because they are able to accept conditions into shadow, have good self reglation because they always put anak autisme children with others, have good motivation with different reasons, have good empathy because of the intense interaction with the guardians of the students and the school.

Keyword : Emotional Intelligent, Shadow (colleague), Autism


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Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Rosita, Aisrositaais521@gmail.comUNSPECIFIED
Subjects: Kecerdasan
Psikologi > Psikologi Anak
Keywords: Kecerdasan emosi; shadow; Pendamping; Autisme
Divisions: Fakultas Psikologi dan Kesehatan > Psikologi
Depositing User: Rosita Ais
Date Deposited: 23 Apr 2019 02:50
Last Modified: 23 Apr 2019 02:50

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